Thursday, February 19, 2009

life beyond dot com

Where have I been? For the last 2 weeks I have been without internet. It has been quite hard actually. I have about 2.5 hours everyday for me time during the boys' simultaneous nap. Blogging. Cleaning. Laundry. Working out. Showering. Journaling.

Most days the laundry doesn't happen. Note: I wrote cleaning and laundry. Two different things. I don't have a problem with cleaning, but I do with laundry. I am terrible at it. And it drives my husband crazy. He doesn't say much about it though and he will just start doing would think I would be jumping for joy! A husband helping with laundry and wanting too! But no, it eats at me that I can't ever keep up on it.

Well...since I have had no computer for 2 weeks I have kept on on laundry, spent quality time with God, prayed for my amazing husband more than normal, worked out and felt great about the home.

So what I am trying to say is I don't think it is that I am bad at or can't stand laundry. I think I have to work really hard to prioritize my 2.5 hour break. So, even though I really missed keeping up on bloggy and email things, it has been a great 2 weeks. I even did a load of laundry today with the computer on! Yes, I am very proud of myself!

I shall not forgot to mention we are in the midst of potty training LA. I decided it was time to try again. So we said bye bye to diapers and hello to big boy underwear. Oh, he looks so stinkin' cute in them! I just want to squeeze him!

We've brought out the candy, cars and Thomas trains for rewards. I decided to take and week and hunker down. Monday and Tuesday were tough. Lots of messes but many successes. Today being day 4, I am one proud Momma. It has definitely been work But, today was 4 out 5 peeing in the potty chair! YEAH! Yippee! I am doing a happy dance right now...the same one I do when he goes pee pee or poo poo.

Any ideas or suggestions from you Elite Moms of potty trained children? I would love to hear them!


designHER Momma said...

honestly, sometimes i wish this fun box would breakdown so I would gain some time in my day.

I know what you mean.....

The Liller Family said...

I'm so addicted to my computer (as it's my only connection to the outside world) that sometimes I think I might die if something were to happen to it - but then again, it's always nice to "shut down" and just get back to the basics (not that it happens often), but it's nice every now and then...

Unknown said...

I'm so happy the potty training is getting easier! Yippee!

Janet said...

(Designher Momma) Be careful what you wish for. lol

I just wanted to say thanks for sharing. I have one lil' one, the rest are teenagers or grown with their own kids. I know it can be hard to have "me time" and do the rest of it. My daughter is potty trained but has relasped in the poop department. She has refused to use the potty for that. I am patient and know it will pass. I just wash her panties and go on about my business. She is 3 years old. Things happen to upset a child during potty time such as visits from lil' babies. My grandchildren have visited from far away and this has contributed to her pooping in her panties. She also doesn't want to be a "big girl". lol

Shannon said...

This is what I love about you!! What you have discovered about yourself through "time away" from the computer. I have to set limits for myself, just for me. And I find it rewarding and challenging. Keep it up girl!! You are just beautiful!!!! And you are doing great with potty training. He's going to get it!!