Is it because my body is really starting to ache?
...or that my head is telling me how big I am really going to be?
...I don't know.
But, I am experiencing pain like I have never felt during pregnancy and I am only 24 weeks. 24 weeks?! That means I'm officially in my third trimester. Wow!
I (mostly Mr. Blonde carrying out my motives) have been trying to get the big boys' room ready, the nursery organized, blinds for our massive picture window in the living area, prepping for a garage sale purge, finding a large dining room table (for SIX!) and putting together a new playroom (office conversion). Along with much more. Nesting they call it.
In addition to preparing our home for two more adorable little boys, I'm preparing in practical ways like getting a rocking recliner instead of a rocking chair to nurse two babies at once instead of just one. Since we're talking nursing, the right gear is also crucial. Like this Peek-a-boo nursing shirt. The Peek-a-boo maternity and nursing collection enables us nursing mommas to breastfeed without exposing ourselves and still looking quite stylish. The side stitching really flatters my belly. I feel good while wearing this shirt! It's practical and comfortable yet stylish. Nobody would ever know it's a nursing shirt! There is also a cute little duck illustration situated on the inside of my tank that is only revealed while feeding. It gives the baby something to look at and provides us Mommas of a little reminder of what side we last fed on. Brilliant!
This is a practical tank that I enjoy now in my 24th week and will continue to enjoy through my nursing days with the twins!
Thanks Peek-a-boo for allowing me to review the cap sleeve tank in exchange for this review. Be sure to check out the entire collection!