This past Friday our sweet friend, Courtney along with the rest of our family at the Well threw us a baby shower!! We were blessed with diapers, wipes and gift cards. We felt the love and we are very thankful to each of you!! It was so much fun to have all of our families together!! And....the contractions have started. Last Friday night was the start of them and I continue to have them everyday. This morning was even more consistant than last Friday. It has been interesting and uncomfortable. It has been interesting because with Landon my water broke and I didn't have to play the guessing game. I am sure I will know if they become anything like what they did after my water broke with Landon. Fun times ahead!!!:) Some pics below from the shower.....
This is proably the last family pic of the three of us.
How cute is this little guy??!! This is Landon's little buddy, Owen!
Debbie and Max and Shannon and Emily!
Landon was thrilled to help us open diapers for "baby."
Landon and Jaghar playing catch. They were very entertaining!
Alley was taking turns with Landon on the rocking horse....and Ryan and Emily were watching from the side.....