Last night about a half hour after Mr. Blonde and I had gone to bed he whispers, "Are you asleep?" And of course, I respond, "NO! My mind is racing!" So was his. Mainly of crazy logistics like finances, our house, my very infected tooth that needs to be pulled, timing of when the twins will be born, what it will be like to bring home twins after having two very easy pregnancies and two babies sleeping on perfect schedules??? And, the list could continue. I am still SO shocked today. I thought for the last 10 weeks I had one baby making me VERY sick and very tired. It is crazy to think (and see yesterday) of two swimming babies in my belly!
I could allow fear to creep in almost...
...but instead I realize what two precious gifts we have been given to grow inside of me. I have surrendered to the fact that I am not in control of finances or our home or physically making these lives. In fact, I'm in control of so very little. I thank God for that! I always did think I wanted 4 kids anyway!!
Today as I was starring at my ultrasound pictures of
Baby A and
Baby B I wept of pure excitement and overwhelming joy. As I spent some time journaling my thoughts and I found much comfort in this...
"Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand." -Isiah 41:10
As I read each sentence I thought, "YES you are with me, and YES you will strengthen me to be the best Mom for my family and YES you will help me with everything that comes my way." And I was extremely comforted.
This is an exciting time for our family! So many unknowns make things. But, we are very excited!
"Are there twins in your family?" we keep getting asked. YES! My dad's sisters, Aunt Debbie and Aunt Patty are twins. I have always known that there was a better chance for us than others. But that 3% chance was enough now wasn't it!?
Speaking of family - I am BEGGING my Mom to quit her job to be my (and the twins too) nanny! Anyone who sees her or knows her, please encourage her to QUIT her job!!! I NEED her!! We are very blessed to have great family and friends that are practically throwing themselves at us to help in every way possible. You guys are all amazing! But, yeah...drop my Momma some heavy hints please!!
Thank you for all of the encouragement through email, facebook, twitter and phone calls. Please keep the prayers coming. We need them! Anyone you know who has had multiples (Jenni, Jami, Jen) please send any support my way...I am clueless! And, I would REALLY like to talk to anyone who has had mutiples after they've already had children. I would love to pick your brain!