Monday, December 15, 2008

the most famous shoe in the world

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've seen the clip of President Bush almost being clipped by an Iraqi journalist's shoe recently ...

A few things come to mind immediately...

1) Ole Pres' has some GREAT reaction time. Seriously! He's 62 and dodges that soul with insect reflexes! Notice the complete lack of reaction from Prime Minister/President/Important Iraqi guy to Bush's left (screen right).

2) Why does Secret Service take so long to get to the shoe thrower?

3) It's understood the shoe thrower was taking the side of the victims of war in Iraq. So, let's get this throws shoes to protest violence. Pot calling the kettle black? Not standing up for war here, buy just saying...geesh. Violence begets violence.

If you haven't seen the video, here's one of the first reports we saw by NBC's Brian Williams...

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