Wednesday, September 12, 2007

going up

A short clip of Landon climbing the steps at Papa and Nana's yesterday. He climbed all the way up twice, but the video only shows him taking a few steps. Note how he calls out each step.

At the to the toys in the loft!!...


The Liller Family said...

I think what he was trying to say was "help, I need shorter pants" LOL!!! It's absolutely adorable!!!

Shannon said...

Aweee!!! Sweet Landon!!! I love you guys!! You are wonderful parents!!! Shan

Jenni said...

What an athlete! So cute how he turns around looking for assurance from daddy! said...

Beth, yeah, they're 24mo pants. We decided shortly after that, we should probably roll them up before he busts his nose crawling all over the place.

houseofeling said...

that's so cute!!! So when are you showing up with food??? Just kidding...I'm calling tomorrow...We miss you guys!