Stay tuned for a $199.99 Mommassentials set giveaway too!
As you know, I am all about practical products, ethical companies and giving back anyway you can to make a difference. Funktion says to, "Ditch your diaper bag!" I know at some point in your life you will know someone who is pregnant, you might get pregnant, or have kids and need some style and organization of your current hand bag!
Funktion realized the need for the essentials that MOST all diaper bags do not have. If they do have have nice features, it seems they're country bumpkin flower print or have Disney characters. And, well, that's not my thing. Being a Mom of 4 I need the essentials and that is it. I have seriously had 5 diaper bags in as many years. The bag I have now is perfect because of Funktion.

Let me break this down for you before you click purchase for yourself or that next shower gift.
Changing pad- This is amazing. It is a one-hand folding system and wipes up great! And it has a great a slot for the most fabulous wipe case.
Wipe case - This is my favorite. I have tried so many wipe containers and finally just resorted to a ziploc bag. Until Funktion. It keep the wipes MOIST and it does not open in my diaper bag! LOVE IT!
Bottle holder - Cutest bottle holder ever and it really works. I could fit 2 bottles in it. Great size.
Clutch- This is brilliant. I use it in my diaper bag, but you will also see me with when I am out with my girlfriends.
Grab bag - This in the beginning was such a much more stylish bag than a plastic bag for my blow out poop clothes. It is now used as my snack bag...I cleaned out the poop. Speaking of, remember this story?
Cosmetic case - Used for baby lotion, hand sanitizer, tampons, kid's lip balm and two of my lip glosses. This will always stay in my purse. Being a makeup artist I think I have had some super cute makeup cases. But, a coordinating cosmetic bag for my diaper bag. LOVE! It also keeps all of these essentials in ONE place vs. all the pockets you think you will use when purchasing a diaper bag and then you can never find ANYTHING!!

Paci purse- Because I have two babies right now, it's important to me that this little fella holds two paci's. Until the time comes to unplug them that is. :)
If you have your favorite handbag and/or a diaper bag that makes you still feel stylish and pretty. Keep it. Carry it. But, throw these beauties from Funktion in your bag. They are so essential to my EVERYDAY use. Not to mention the happy vibrant colors! And, let's not forget quality!
Be sure to check out their Giving Back page too!
COUPON CODE: 25% off with code: blondespoopandmascara
WIN IT: The Chick in Charge at Funktion is giving 1 Blondes, Poop and Mascara reader an entire Mommassentials Set. That's a $199 value!!

To enter, just leave me a comment about your biggest diaper bag problem. It could be a story about having forgotten a diaper in it, how it wouldn't fit in the overhead compartment on your flight, etc. A random winner will be selected on Friday, December 23rd.
1) Like Funktion on Facebook
2) Follow Funktion on Twitter @funktionmoms
3) Tweet about this giveaway something like this "Diaper bag need a facelift? @Blonde1s is giving away an entire $200 set of designer baby bits by @funktionmoms here: http://t.co/20cOJWpA"
4) Sign up on Funktion's homepage for their newsletter to hear about specials and new products.
5) Pin a designer baby bit on Pinterest
Be sure to leave a comment for each entry. The more you enter the better chance you have to win!