Ever sold your house? Ever tried to sell your house and couldn't. Ever tried to sell your house for a really long time?! The later is about where we fall right now. Mr. Blonde has written about this a bit before.
Trying to sell a house and not doing so begs the question: Why?...or...
Why Not? might be more accurate.
In rhetoric response to said question, we wondered,
"I wish it was just as easy as hearing them talk while they're in our house...hmmm...like when we listen to hear if Boatboy's awake from his nap yet...hmmm...WAIT A MINUTE!"Commence Project House Monitor./ book next showing/ ensure baby monitor is charged/ ensure speaker unit is on in house/ pull into neighbor's driveaway and hope client(s) don't see you and reception is clearImaginary conversations have gone as follows...
Client to his Wife: "This yard is incredible!"Imaginary response from Mr. and Mrs. Blonde: "Yep. It sure is."Client to her Husband: "This kitchen has a ton of cabinets!"Imaginary response from Mr. and Mrs. Blonde: "Yes. There sure are."Client to their Realtor: "You think this house is priced to high?" Realtor in response to Client: "Yes."
Imaginary response from Mr and Mrs: "Oh really? Have you pulled comps in the area? Our cost per foot is right on par and we've upgraded everything in the place since we bought it!"
Client to her Husband: "Gosh this master bedroom is small."
Imaginary response from Mr and Mrs: "Any smaller than the measurements you already saw on the MLS listing? We actually had that information drafted up in English language and used numbers that aren't fake."Client to his Wife: "Oh, honey, this would be the absolute perfect house if only the crawl space entry was just 1 foot further south. Let's check out that cute little bungalow down the street..."Imaginary response from Mr to Mrs: "I'm going to kill him!"/ angrily jumps out of van sprinting for the front door with an open utility knife in hand.....Alright, alright!...that's one's fake.The jury is still out on
Project House Monitor. We didn't learn anything. We haven't sold our house. But, it
was pretty fun. Oh, and if we're showing you our house sometime soon --
We're listening.