Saturday, September 13, 2008

check out the view

It still looks and feels like summer this weekend. Won't last much longer. Enjoy it...despite the humidity...imagine if you were in Houston right now. Todd/Amie/Christian/Delaney -- we're thinking of you!

Friday, September 12, 2008

the luxury fund

Loving these guys at The Luxury Fund. They just started up in July. Learned of them via the Love 146 blog.

this is the first image that comes up after a Google search for luxury

From their first blog entry...

"...We're starting The Luxury Fund in hopes of using some of our "luxury money" to help change the lives of those around the world who suffer from great poverty, disease, and injustice...."

They donate all of the money they collect to Blood: Water Mission, Compassion International, International Justice Mission and Love 146.

Yep. Lovin' these guys.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fall is coming!

We attended a Fall Festival parade in a downtown smalltown this past weekend. It was LA's (and Boat Boy's) first parade. He was a little unsure of things, but he warmed up.

Boat boy is fast asleep! The whole loud parade he never made a peep!

The parade was running a little late so we pulled out some crayons to occupy LA. And, he colored his face. This pic is hilarious because (as most of you know we have a sensitive little boy) he thought he was in trouble. Then realized he wasn't! How precious.

Post parade our happy little Boat Boy with his Dadda.

We headed to our favorite park and our friends joined us for the evening for some pizza and park time. We had a blast! Thanks for heading down to our timezone. Ha!

Major static!

Born in September?

Scott was. And, his heart moved him toward a brilliant Life-giving idea...

The September Campaign Trailer

Here's a public service announcement they did with Jennifer Connelly...

It's hard to watch as I sit here at the office sucking down four 32oz bottles of crystal clear purified water each day. But, it brings me joy to see images like this one, read about guys like Scott, know what these guys are doing over here and be so deeply entrenched in our own Well Water Project with some friends of ours. More to come on the latter as we work on getting PayPal set up for online giving.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

harmonious Landon

Landon's Papa and Nana got him this harmonica a little over a month ago. He plays it almost every day. Normally it involves dancing too, but this was toward the end of his second set. And, as you can tell, he's parched by the time he completes the arrangement.

the brothers of lounge

We had a busy and relaxing weekend. These two shots represent the latter of the paradox.