The short of the long is that Avonlea is set on defying odds and proving modern medical education wrong. It is VERY untypical for any baby to have faced adversities like mecomium passed during labor, a sub-cranial brain hemorrhage, seizing, hypoxia and a medically induced coma for almost a week and be breathing on her own entirely, interacting with the world around her, taking to breastfeeding, mobilizing herself, sustaining a very healthy heartrate and have already gone home to be cared for by Dad and Mom. Praise God for the amazing hearts/minds he's given doctors at Riley, Ty/Rachel and the family and friends thereof.

From the parents:
"The new-born brain changes so dramatically in the first few months of birth that they are not certain as to the long term affects this will have. Right now they are recommending that we bring her back to Riley often for check ups and also that we have occupational and physical therapists come to the house to check on her and help in her development. We truly believe that God has her in His hands and we are hoping and praying that the long term affects will be negligible. Please, if you are looking for a way to pray for us - you can agree with us in this petition, that God would heal her and she would develop well both physically and mentally."

"...Also, if you want to send Avonlea some prayers or words of encouragement, she has an email address: avonleamiller@gmail.com. These messages will be going into her baby book; so when she is a healthy 16year old, she can look back and see how many people prayed and cared for her - and what a miracle she is."